About the book

Two girls are accidentaly trapped in a library over a night. One of them loves books, and the second one hates reading. During the night, books come to life and book heroes are trying to prove that it is worth to read.

Students from four countries together write an interactive book with appearances of popular literature characters. We choose our favourite book heroes who take us to their world and show us the magic of books.

We hope that in this way we will show, that reading is really cool and we will convince to it a few of our friends among those, who used to avoid libraries before.

Our book is an interactive e-book containing, apart from the main content, additional information for students, plays and games and suggests alternative endings of the story.

Students from every country create from one to three chapters with characters from their favourite books. Constant figures appearing in every chapter are two girls and our book gnome.

Together we create the book in a shape of a blog, after publishing we will gather all of the stories and we will publish them as an e-book, also available for downloading and printing.

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